Reflections & Aspirations : A Message to My Medium Family.

2 min readJun 5, 2024

Today I want to take a moment to address each and every one of you. I am eager to share my innermost thoughts and convey my determination to pursue something that I can only accomplish with your support.

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My Dear Followers,

Every morning, as I drink my first coffee of the day, I open the Medium app. I receive notifications that I have new followers or that some of you have liked something I wrote. This gives me a beautiful feeling every morning, and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.

The growing number of followers I gain every day indicates that there are people who appreciate my work. You have gradually become a part of my life, and I think this is the highest form of appreciation I can offer you. I genuinely wish I could treat all of you to a beer!

I haven’t been very active as a writer, but on my journey until today I am trying to follow some rules: I always follow back those who follow me, I will always comment on an article I like, I will do my best to help any author with my comments if I know something more and I will try to give encouragement to the one who shares his ideas, to continue doing so. These was and will be my medium pedestal.

Up to this point, my articles have been fragmented, covering various topics. I have…




Sales pro for 15yrs - med lab bachelor. Dad, mountain fanatic, cactus gardener. Crypto advocate. Diving into AI, aff marketing & blogging. Inspired by Medium