Perplexity Pro: ChatGPT, Claude 2.1, Gemini Pro all in one platform for 50% off!

3 min readJan 8, 2024


Article is a honest review containing affiliate link for a 50% off for Perplexity Pro plan. If you subscribe with my link I ll get the same discount you will for my montly plan, so it will be a win-win deal.

Less than a month ago, I shared an article with the Medium community titled “Enjoy Free Chat Gpt 4.0 and Claude 2.1,” which highlighted a promotional offer for a two-month free subscription to the Perplexity Pro plan. I also took advantage of this promotion myself, marking my first encounter with Perplexity. The platform provided access to advanced AI models such as ChatGPT 4.0, Claude 2.1, and Gemini Pro. I hope you joined me in seizing this opportunity because I’ve been thrilled with the program!

I’d like to offer a candid review of my findings and share insights on how to utilize both the app and the website effectively. Although the free promotion is no longer available, you can still get a monthly subscription to the Pro plan, which includes Chat GPT 4.0, Claude 2.1, and Gemini Pro, for $10 — a 50% discount off the regular $20 monthly fee — by using my referral link.

My initial impression is that the user experience on both the website and mobile app is seamless, with a familiar interface akin to the OpenAI ChatGPT platform, making it straightforward for AI users to navigate.

The options menu from where you can pick up desired AI model

Within the options menu, users can select their preferred AI model, with choices including Default (for quick searches), Experimental (a concise and less restrictive model by Perplexity), ChatGPT 4, Claude 2.1, and Gemini Pro.

Focus on what your search want to be and Copilot option

The homepage features the classic text field where users can input their questions or prompts for the AI to respond to. But there’s more: a ‘Focus’ option allows you to narrow search results to academic, Reddit, YouTube, or writing without internet searches. Additionally, there’s an ‘Attach’ feature for uploading and working with images and PDFs.

One of the standout features is ‘Copilot,’ which offers real-time, enhanced web searches and even poses questions to deliver more specialized and accurate results. Users can also switch between different AI models for the same prompt.

The only downside I’ve encountered is occasional server slowdowns, but they aren’t significant enough to cause frustration.

In summary, here are the pros and cons of Perplexity Pro:


  • Access to five different AI models
  • Availability of both Android and iOS apps
  • Intuitive navigation and operation
  • The ‘Copilot’ feature for advanced searches
  • Interaction with images and documents


  • Occasional server slowdowns, though not overly disruptive

Please note that while I’ve provided a personal account of using Perplexity Pro, the platform’s features and performance may vary for each user.

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Sales pro for 15yrs - med lab bachelor. Dad, mountain fanatic, cactus gardener. Crypto advocate. Diving into AI, aff marketing & blogging. Inspired by Medium