How I see Benable: I Discovered a whole new world of opportunities to monetize my passion. #2

I am in the right place, Are you?

4 min readJun 19, 2024

This article is part of my step by step Benable journey. Please check previous articles here.

As I promised in my previous article about Benable, this in this post I will focus on why choose Benable, the pros and the cons among with some statistics.

I am totally new to the affiliate marketing world. For about a year now I have been reading everything I can find related to it. Whenever I tried to join any affiliate marketing program I have the same disappointment, I cannot apply or I am rejected. The reason is I lack an audience and I lack a website. 99% of affiliate programs demand a webpage or a social media audience. Both demand time, money investment and some technical skills. If you are like me, none of these suits.

Benable was the only shortcut I could find until now. You register for free and you automatically become an affiliate to 35000 brands! Think of an affiliate network or brand. Amazon? It is in. Ebay? It is in. Sephora? It is in. Etsy? Shopify? Wayfair, Nike, Microsoft, Dell? All are in. Note that in order to be able to register you need an invitation code. Benable is a closed community until now. This is rather positive, as it is not yet saturated like other platforms and competition is still low. It has a negative point though, that will be analyzed below.

My invitation code is…




Sales pro for 15yrs - med lab bachelor. Dad, mountain fanatic, cactus gardener. Crypto advocate. Diving into AI, aff marketing & blogging. Inspired by Medium