A Simple Guide to Making a 476% Profit by Buying and Selling Domain Names

6 min readMar 19, 2024

Discover how I turned a 400% profit, or 4X my initial investment, in just two months — without any prior experience. I achieved this by applying common sense to the process of buying and selling domain names. At the end of this article I am listing all valuable tips for a novice to take care off.

The best part?
This method is still largely under the radar, meaning almost anyone can
replicate my success. All you need is a bit of patience, a straightforward plan,and some time dedicated to research.

Before diving into the details, I want to be transparent about the affiliate links included at the end of this article. I highly recommend all the services I personally used, as they are cost effective and reliable. If you find the information I share valuable, consider using my links to sign up. It’s a way to thank me, buying me a coffee, at no extra cost to you.

The Beginning of My Journey

My adventure began with the idea of starting my own blog. Although its still in the planning phase, I learned a lot in the process. One key takeaway was the need for a personal domain name and hosting service. So, I began exploring domain name marketplaces and registration companies. That’s when I…




Sales pro for 15yrs - med lab bachelor. Dad, mountain fanatic, cactus gardener. Crypto advocate. Diving into AI, aff marketing & blogging. Inspired by Medium